Eid-ing and Cleaning

Monday, September 21, 2009

There are times in life where you feel refreshed, renewed, and rejuven-ne-nated! Take full advantage. Times that give sustenance when you thought you had none, advice when you thought you didn't need none, solace when your heart was quivering and unsure what to do. Even deprived times of light and reflection guide you towards knowing that only you have the answer; that you must act to accomplish and make use of voice to proceed.

These are the times.

Pushing forward, celebrating daytime eating (Happy Eid Ya'll)...and at that very same time, looking back to see what progress has shaped the person you are today. Sankofa.

Watching flight from being stopped in traffic, I am in awe of the patterns the winged ones make. So telling of how life reflects nature and nature reflects life and how creation....manifests the magnificent power of The Creator. First, three groups in their own unison, all noting the slightest change in direction and following suit. They are united in direction but still having enough space to spread their wings, still individual, still having the freedom to be in their own beauty. Then, the three groups catch the same flow of wind, mindset, guidance, feeling, inclination, and become one. Soaring...musically, almost, changing directions with the flow of notes played at the keys that have provided the foundation for this naturistic symphony.

Knowing flight is one thing, but witnessing it with open eyes, heart, mind, soul and being present, makes all the difference.

So yeah, now to cleaning house....

Things are as they were. Slight changes but the cusp never moves. However... It Is Time to renew, to sort and rid of the nonuseful. From the bottom up and back down I want answers and/or closure to things buried and packed away. Clarity from boxes and uncovered things, and space in my mind to make room for what is to come.

Has anybody seen my Swiffer?! :)