La la la la la....

Thursday, February 26, 2009

She says, I say it, others say it too...but not like us. It is when things are good that we quote this, when we are feeling the need to lighten up a mood that has brought us grief we quote this. We quote this in caring and affection, and in a weird communication to the other that contentment is reached.

I am thinking today of the times where I have hummed or sang snippets loudly and with joy. Times where I remember the days of stress and the happiness that made it weigh less on my shoulders.

My mother is coming to town and I am excited to see her. She is coming despite her newly discovered fear of flying, recently induced from the news coverage of plane accidents. She will be 48 this year inshaAllah, and she is still full of all of the hopes I have for her.

I of course like to reflect in the moment of now, and realize that I am not as comfortable as I thought writing instead of 'prose-ing' because it requires more feeling. It is more current and bathed in 'right now' thinking. I am usually the type to reflect on something and then write, so it comes out more profound I guess...

Yeah, so I guess I'll put my coat back on until I get more comfortable with this and prose for now...

Listening to the bumpy sounds on my way to 'blog' I wonder if it ever will be? Unsure of what is acceptable to be made public or said, I tried it anyway. Still unsure of clear thoughts and reminiscence, I think I will leave the deep writing for my life story. For now, the prose intellect will be manifest through these paragraphs of consciousness.


thelegacymaker said...

i like this style of writing...nice blog