Cinder-Ella, Ella, Ella, Eh Eh Eh...

Sunday, May 16, 2010

A damsel in distress she was. In her dress she was his princess. She was granted her dreams in bibbity-boppity-boo!

However, reality does not lend this as easily as animation projects. Everyone always depended on her umberella ella ella, but then proceeded to steal it instead. Her life was full of optimism and triumph and equanimity through all things. The story of a fictitious character somehow inspiring youngsters to hope for the same.

This hope is not false, but making truth from fairy tales is taking away from your experience. Living in the moment and appreciating the story that leads to your truth and destiny gives you ownership rather than control. It is not your story to tell or dictate, but you must instead be a willing character in the story of your life written by the ultimate Author.

So next time you once upon a time, make sure you listen instead of writing it how you want it to be, since the Final version may have an alternate and unexpected ending. Enjoy your story as it unfolds.

~Hasta Pronto.