Imitation of Life

Monday, May 3, 2010

Does art imitate life or does life imitate art? Hmmmm.

I believe that art imitates life. We began with life and our reference for creating comes from the living and from those living things that are around us which have inspired us to build art.

Life is trusting and tempting and anxiety provoking in order to push us towards realization of truth. Moving forward in such misty clouds of unknown take us to places that are at times beyond our reach but within our grasp. The mundane becomes a plan and the exciting, fleeting moments become an object for which we are to forever yearn.

These life happenings - the close, near and far are our life's water, our anchor in a sea of turbulence and what brings us to third level accomplishments and passions.

Level 3 - a divinely inspired number, once seen as incomplete and uneven, but known to all as a pair with a Guidance that binds and strengthens. This is indeed related to our goals and our representation as a piece of moving art, an ayah - a sign, as we are coupled with each desire as it comes our way and guided gently by the Leader that permits us to continue or shows us the way.

As we continue to embody life as we reflect its art, let us not forget who we are or where we come from, or we will indeed be lost.

~Hasta Pronto.