
Saturday, May 16, 2009

Hay un mundo de fantasia. The hold is muy fuerte. Pero.... Pues.... Podrias sobrevivir.

A world full of fantasy can cripple you if you let it. A friend once questioned aloud, "Does life imitate art or does art imitate life?" Well, what do you think? (This is a rhetorical question I might add)...

We are given reality mixed with fantasy every day. Love, Grief, Life, Death, Happiness, Struggle, and Triumph. It is up to us to decide what we take into our unconscious and what we leave to fly away into the world of fantasia.

Of course I've had my share of falls into the fantasy world, some hold on to me tighter than others...

Leaving behind a world of brutal criticism and unbelievable competition is a treat. Absorption in a song (Mo Better by Raheem DeVaughn), a book(s) (Twilight Series by Stephanie Meyer), a movie (The Shawshank Redemption), a website (Zen Habits - Leo Babauta), in nature (Caumsett Park, LI), and of course, the constant streaming of your thoughts...can be, a wonderful "stay-cation" (lol).

Making decisions that go against the nature of Divine Decision is not the smartest thing to do in reality. Swimming in thoughts of fantasy or non-reality can influence you into wanting what you think you need, versus inquiring and striving with The Creator to make your plans. After all, wouldn't you consult your Guide before walking off the path? ...yes.

We waste so much time projecting our thoughts on what could be (future) that we totally miss...Totally...TOTALLY....MISS, what our today can bring us. If we spent more time watching the details and paying attention to the scenes, act by act for signs that show us what is to come, we'd be better off, better informed, and better PREPARED.

I mean seriously, how many times do we watch a movie more than once, only to find that we've missed intricate details that could have given us clues into what is next, or helped us to see more details and make more sense of what is happening? How much better off would we be using the reality of "paying attention to detail" to actually watch "art imitate life" or "life imitate art"...

I'll let you ponder on that, meanwhile, I'm going back to paying attention to the details that will inform my next move.

*The pic above is from Forks, WA (...yeah.)