
Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Family comes from the heart, from home, through religion, at work, in passing, and in the mind.

I find family in the most unlikeliest of places. Life has its changes and its benefits, challenges too. Family comes in and out of your life to give you what you need, exactly when you need it (also called Divine Intervention).

The key to maintaining this 'family' of many forms calls each of us to trust and respect. The stranger who alerts you so you do not forget your bag or umbrella -- there was an element of trust there. Someone who asks you what you need when you leave for your break -- caring. The disagreement over responsibilities and expectations -- honesty. Giving an honest opinion about someone's character or conduct -- transparency.

Every familial relationship is a delicate balance that requires give and take. There is no "I" in family (the "i" in family really means 'important')... :)

There are some friends in my life whom I've known for years and although we may have spent many many hours, days, etc. together, the ties still remain despite distance or frequency of conversation. These ties are a bond that does not require micromanaging, but instead, flourishes as a tree, needing only sunshine (phone calls, letters) and water (memories of days past). Have you watered your 'family tree' lately?

All this to say, treasure those relationships you have built, and don't waste so much time counting the rings on the tree (you did this then, where where you when...) but instead, inquire about how their leaves (emotions) roots (goals and aspirations) trunks (spiritual life) are doing. That way, the eternal rings of friendship can grow until you no longer think about the struggles or difficulties present, but you bask in the shade that you have created, together.

Brings a new meaning to the phrase 'tree of life' huh? :)

NYT Article - "What Are Friends For? A Longer Life"