Sin Sonido (Without Sound)

Thursday, May 21, 2009

The very questions that we desire to answer or have answered can be inaccessible and un-figure-out-able, we must persevere. Delving into our own roots and dirt we must strive to build a knowledge base that can provide us with the 'know' how and come to correct conclusions.

The absence of silence in the city is making me crazy. I've clung to the familial, social and religious aspects to feed my insanity, but at times the silence is never enough to quench my thought-filled thirst. I then ask, from what others have already stated, why is it that I feel so alone in a city, in a place, where so many people occupy every single nook and cranny?! I am unable to cozy next to a tree of my own, due to the surplus of others who wish to enjoy the limited green afforded to us in this concrete jungle.

Caged birds forget how to fly. A singer in a room of loud music forgets her sound. Running in place is void of scenery and inevitably, moving forward.

Do not be afraid of the silence. Your thoughts wish to be loud and clear and HEARD. Gravitating to your dreams and facilitating goals that are clearly labeled and organized are your 'All Access' pass to happiness.

How do you know what you want unless you ask? How do you ask if you do not have time? How do you make time when you have so many other things to do? How do you do what you need to do, in order to make time? Now what? ...make time.

Persistence in all things linked with our Creator never fail. Goodness wins, always. Intention is key. We were not created to wait for things to happen. We were given intellect and consciousness which lead us into knowledge and light. The light of space and time to reflect. These reflections make for very clear plans of our future.

We listen to the cries of a child across the room, restaurant, street or train. We do not understand his/her feelings, wants or needs. It takes a personal connection of a parent or close one to really know. How do we then, expect to know our own needs if we do not even know ourselves?

Get to know that child, that inner being, your thoughts, dreams, goals, desires, wants, needs, fears...know them so you can respond to them, react properly to them, and plan for when your most wanted and desired things (of this life and the next) manifest themselves and penetrate your thoughts as reality.