Monday...come on in

Sunday, March 15, 2009

As I sit in front of my 12" screen, I am filled with the sweetness of meal's end. I've identified next steps in plotting for plan B. Becoming a listener, I watch for the signs of nature to bring me nearer to what matters most. Is it my location or my status or my profession or my passion that drive my intentions.

Taking time to come into the solace of home, I hear the darkness that calls me into the living room. The dimness effects my mood and I am inclined to turn on every light...but that would be disruptive. I must then turn to the outside hour change to give me what I need.

Something to call my own, I test and taste new recipes and search for more that will compose the multiculturalism that I feel inside. That is not understood my majority. That is overlooked by minor details. That is used as a misconception when insensitivity is placed in front of open mindedness.

Within 6 of these I have to choose to stay or go. Heavy on the heart is the decision to work with what I am given or push to the limit for what I want. Inching towards the choices presented, I will choose what has been written all along.

Prepare for the beginning or end of my journey...