Throwback - Spring 2006

Monday, March 9, 2009

Title: Sha’r ~ Ism (Hair-ism)

*Beauty has become the unconscious voice of America.

*I have silenced it.

*My thoughts have become loud and with the aid of scissors, and now heard by you.

*I chose the choice to cut the conscious effort of societal chains…

*I have made a difference.

*The lengthy security blanket of confidence is what I wore.

*Long enough to entice, and just too much to ignore.

*Naturally curling on fingertips or straightening its ways when told…

*I was in love.

*This love embraced womanhood and I briefly became un-feminine by my actions.

*As far as I’ve learned, femininity is not womanhood, and beauty is NOT at surface level.

*I have tried to realize that conformity is not an option for me.

*Accessories out of the norm have adorned and clothed me in past years, but I have now realized that I have become naked with confidence.

*Releasing layers of uncertainty and levels of insecurity, I have become the woman I have always wanted to be.

*Living for me and knowing how to free myself from societal chains.

*I have rearranged my view to see as others cannot, and view what others will not…

*I have found courage.

*Leading on leaflets and overpriced opinions I made my gauged coordinates for the perfect shot at freedom.

*But I was wrong.

*I sat and waited as my previous personality was shifted and scripted to become something new.

*My ideas were restructured, and the bulls’ eye was closer than I had imagined.

*I chose to finally let go of the arrow I kept so long, and make wavelengths in a revolution that I fought on my own.

*My eyes were more brown and beautiful after the battle, and I found myself more deserving and ambitious.

*I let my inhibitions and insecurities be swept away with the morning trash to never see them again.

*I was finally free.

*My shelter was no longer there, and I was then gently placed outside of that box I had previously been kept.

*Choosing a choice that is character changing, mind-blowing, question provoking, inspiring, and dangerous at times is difficult…

*But I did it.

*Leaving behind what was holding me back has proven to be the best thing yet.

*Letting this weight drift away was something I saw but didn’t expect.

*But it was respect that I received when asked to explain what that war meant to me.

*Making this visual statement of unseen security has left me forever changed and challenged to become who I wanna be.

*Its amazing that this premeditated and conquered war kicked up such a fuss, when all of this began with one..simple…haircut.


thelegacymaker said...

I am not my hair. -India Arie via my wife